Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Vitamin A and skin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Vitamin A and skin - Essay Example While some claims have some rationale and are based on adequate research, it must be accepted that some of these claims are quite spurious with lack of adequate and extensive evidence from research before them being recommended to be used (Weiss et al., 1988). In this assignment one such claim published in a reputed newspaper will be critically examined whether local dermal application of vitamin A could be recommended to delay or reverse aging of the skin, whether it is intrinsic or extrinsic aging. The report that will be examined here was published in Science Daily, May 22, 2007, issue with the heading "Vitamin A Helps Reduce Wrinkles Associated With Natural Skin Aging" which states essentially that there has been research which supports a claim that local application of vitamin A to the skin apparently improves the wrinkled appearance of the skin associated with natural aging. This claim has been correlated to the findings from research that locally applied vitamin A may promote repair of these age wrinkles through production of "skin building compounds". The claims can be quoted here. The main claim was "Topical retinol improves fine wrinkles associated with natural aging" and to support this, in this report there are two other claims which point to the scientific basis of the claim, which are "Significant induction of glycosaminglycan, which is known to retain substantial water, and increased collagen production are most likely responsible for wrinkle effacement" and "With greater skin matrix synthesis [production of compounds that form skin], retinol-treated aged skin is more likely to withstand skin injury and ulcer formation along with improved appearance" (JAMA and Archives Journals, 2007, May 22). Identical reports supporting these claims also appeared in the Internet version of Cosmetics Design (Pitman, 2007). Scientific Evidence for the Claim The authors of this media report bases on a scientific journal article published in the Archive of Dermatology from the American Medical Association. For the purpose of better critical analysis of the rationale behind such claims, this writer has accessed that article by Kafi et al. (2007). The findings from that critical review will be presented in a subsequent section of this assignment. However, it appears from this report that the reporter in this media report utilizes quotation from that article to provide the lay reader a grasp of scientific rationale behind such claim. In the beginning of the report, the two different forms of aging of skin have been discussed. It is well known that age-associated wrinkles and brown spots appear prominently in the exposed skin, and although sun exposure has been related to aging through a less dramatic identical process, the intrinsic aging process in the skin that occurs naturally causes the skin to lose its appearance due to changes in its t exture. The natural aging renders the skin "thinner, laxer and more finely wrinkled", more prominent in specific areas such as upper inner arm (JAMA and Archives Journals, 2007, May 22). Histologically, this can be correlated to a reduced synthesis of collagens and elastic tissues in the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Nightmare Before Christmas | Analysis
Nightmare Before Christmas | Analysis Tim Burton rings in my ears as one of Hollywoods most eccentric directors. There is a distinct and unique phenomenon in his films: the genre of his most films are between animation films and real person films; his animation films overturn the world of traditional fairy tales, showing the darkness of horror, but did not give us the feel of fear. Nightmare before Christmas, which reflects his typical paradigm, is a fantasy mixed of horror, magic, darkness, holidays, the jolly guys, and an interesting skeleton. The features of Nightmare before Christmas have a similarity with Bakhtins theory of carnivalesque. In Bakhtins view, everyone lives a carnivalistic life as long as those carnival laws. His feel of carnival is full of grotesque realism, which can get rid of the horrable things in the world. And the grotesque style can also turn the world into a bright and cheerful one. (Bakhtin,1989). There is always a feel of carnival surrounded in Nightmare before Christmas. Because of the feel, audience can get away from the fear successfully. On the other hand, Bakhtin believes that carnivalistic life is a life drawing out of its usual rut; it is to some extent life turned inside out, the reverse side of the world.( Bakhtin,1989) Similarly, Burton sets two worlds to make a comparision: the human world and underground world; the grotesque world of Halloween and the happy world of Christmas. The confrontation of the two worlds represents Burtons inclination. The happy world is boring while the eerie wolrd is vivid and interesting. In my Nightmare before Christmas lingers on the edge of conventional culture and popular culture, it challenges the conventional culture and queries on the popular culture. So Burton makes an utmost effort to prove the rationality of his subversion in this film. It takes delight in talking about Burtons Gothic darkness of horror. The story happens in the world of ghosts and monsters where we are totally un familiar. The vampire bats, red eye demon , black monsters and even the wretched green, these gothic images are everywhere in the film. They stand in stark contrast to the simplicity of traditional animation films. However, the audience feel more closer to them and come to realize their subsistence status trenchantly. The American animation films have a heroism complex, but Burton deconstructs our expectation of the traditional hero. In Nightmare before Christmas, the character Jack is frightful and he has no mission to save the world. Other character is treated equally, eg. the pet comes along with Jack is soul of a dog instead of a brilliant white horse. More importantly, Burton wants to create a balance between creepy and interesting. So he gives life to the grotesquery Jack who actually is virtuous. He demonstrates the characters individual emotions and action which has no relationship with hero. Specificly, the modeling of Jacks eyes are just two black holes which thoroughly give expression to the meaning of the character. Lets turn to the other film: No Country for Old Men In this film No Country for Old Men the genre pushes the envelope of sanity. It is an unconventional western film, mixed with action, crime drama and dark humor. The McCarthys novel No Country for Old Men is an ideal vehicle for the Coen brothers, who have used violence and emptiness laced with dark humor as an artistic aesthetic in their directing careers. The films greatest achievement is its ability to transport the audience into a world where the predestination, death, fears, choices, morals and realities of life are strikingly brought to life and make the audience reflect upon and look back with careful consideration after the whole experience. The violence and bleakness of it all is not to simply evoke reaction or engage the audience, it is to tell a story and impart an experience of great intention, to which the Coens have brilliantly succeeded. To some extent, this film is a character study of Sheriff Bell, an honest lawman who is wise, observant, grounded in reality, and has a long memory. No Country for Old Men is really his story. And also, The Coen brothers direction of the particularly intense chase scenes between Chigurgh and Moss are masterful, evoking emotions of suspense to the highest level and pushing the audience to the very edge of their seats. At the same time the movie is a character study on the effects of evil and innocence lost, an exploration on the themes of fate and chance, an analysis of the freedom to choose and its consequences, a reflection on evil and good as forces of society and the investigation of basic human emotions such as hope, fear, love, violence and aspiration in the face of a variety of situations. The ending of the film is about death. Faced with the overwhelming fact of death, all of us humans find meaning only by making up their own spiritual codes. The murderers code, the good old boys code, the sheriffs code, the wifes codethey are all equally meaningless, equally inadequate in the face of death, but they are all perfectly legitimate responses to the fact of universal death. The film is also about predestination and free will, Chigurgh doesnt believe in free will, I got here the same way the coin did , he is almost like a robot , and scientifically he is totally right we dont have free will , Chigurgh is not guilty , he just has killer genes and his mother didnt hug him so thats why he turned out to be this way, there are no choices in matter , just cause and effect , only quantum psychics can show some difference. In conclusion, Film genres can take culture as very important elements into consideration. And also, we can characterize a culture by its genre set. Obviously through the film review, we can see that genre can function as a tool to define and describe a culture. Heroes and Villains: Historical Analysis Heroes and Villains: Historical Analysis Heroes, Villains or Both? Austin Rappel What I found most interesting in this weeks readings was the myths behind the men; specifically Ulysses S. Grant, general in chief of the United States Army, William T. Sherman, general in The United States Army and Abraham Lincoln, president of the United States. Grant was considered a drunk, Whatever happened, the story of his drinking became a staple of gossip in the old army. (McPherson, pg.114) Sherman was considered crazy; But Sherman could never entirely escape the reputation of madness (McPherson, pg 114) Lincoln was considered passive: a basic trait of character evident throughout Lincolns life: the essential passivity of his nature. (McPherson, pg. 206) I think it is important to determine if these things were true or if there is enough evidence to ever know for sure the mindset or character of the men that are known to us as the men that defined and ultimately were the victors of the Civil War. Grant quickly rose through the ranks during the Civil War; command of a brigade, a division, an army (Army of Tennessee), an army group, an all of the armies of the United States. (McPherson, pg 110) These accomplishments are a big contrast to what one could consider could be an accomplished by a drunkard. Brooks Simpson , a biographer concluded, Although Grant sometimes took a drink during the war, and may on occasion have taken two, his colleagues who knew him best and were in the best position to observe him were unanimous in their testimony that he was rarely if ever drunk. (McPherson, pg. 114) Grant was also given the reputation as a butcher when the general most deserving of the title was Robert E. Lee. (McPherson, pg 113) Sherman is best known for his March to the Sea; a march of over 700 miles, in which psychological warfare was used in order to stop the war. As stated in McPherson, The terror that his soldiers provoked among Southern whites was a power, he wrote, and I intended to utilize it to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and to make them fear and dread usà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ We cannot change the hearts and minds of those people of the South, but we can make war so terrible and make them so sick of war that generations would pass away before they would again appeal to it.(McPherson, pg. 124) As stated in the article by Matt Carr, General Shermans March to the Sea, Shermans plan was to attack the infrastructure of the south and therefore end the war; After more than three years of violent and seemingly endless conflict, Sherman had decided to take the conflict beyond the battlefield and subject Georgia to a level of devastation that would make its population realise that w ar and ruin are synonymous terms. (pg. 30) Its hard to imagine that these strategies were those of a crazy man. Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States and the author of many documents most notably the Emancipation Proclamation was seen at least by one biographer, David Herbert Donald, to be passive. However, as stated in McPherson, at the very outset of his presidency Lincoln demonstrated traits that were the opposite of what Donald calls his essentially passive personality. (McPherson, pg. 207) Its hard to believe that the man that set into motion the Civil War and wrote one of our most historical documents has a passive personality. Maybe the passivity noted by some is more a compassion than anything else. As stated in, Lincolns Legacy, Lincoln Lives Through His Words by Gail Fineberg, Lincolns first draft of the Emancipation Proclamation, which he presented to his cabinet on July 22, 1862. Nobody liked it Sellers said. Lincoln came back to his cabinet with a second draft in September, and admonished members to comment not on substance but on his style. (pg 38) The quote goes witho ut saying to the mindset of a determined man more so to the mindset of a passive man. Although it may never be known the actual character of Grant, Sherman orà Lincoln, it will be left up to the readers and historians perceptions of whether are not these men were heroes, villains or maybe a little of both during and after the Civil War. It goes without saying that these men, however viewed, will always be remembered for the mark they left on the Civil War and wars to come. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): Optimization Parameters Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): Optimization Parameters IGHODARO OGHOGHO UYIOSA Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): Evaluation of different optimization parameters for appropriate PCR process. Abstract PCR is a method used to produce relatively large amounts of a specific DNA sequence. The productivity of PCR method depends on different reaction conditions such as the concentration of the DNA template, concentration of magnesium ions, DNA template dilution and polymerase concentration. The aim of this study was to find optimal reaction conditions required for appropriate PCR process. To check the correct conditions the agarose gel and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were used. One single, strong amplified band and no unspecific product describe the most suitable amount of given conditions. In the results of this experiment, the most suitable annealing temperature was 62oC, the most proper amount of concentration of magnesium was 2nMol, and the best template dilution was 2à µl. The important parameters evaluated in this experiment were template optimisation, annealing temperatures and magnesium chloride concentrations with and without touchdown PCR. Introduction PCR is a simple, enzymatic assay, which allows for the amplification of a specific DNA fragment from a complex pool of DNA. PCR can be done using source DNA from a variety of tissues and organisms, including peripheral blood, skin, hair, saliva, and microbes. Only trace amounts of DNA are needed for PCR to generate enough copies to be analysed using conventional laboratory methods. For this reason, PCR is a sensitive assay (Lilit andNidhi 2013). To carry out a PCR it is essential to have the following reagents: DNA template, forward and reverse primers, PCR buffer, magnesium chloride (MgCl2), dNTP and DNA Taq polymerase. The annealing temperature allows for the annealing of the primers to the single stranded DNA. It depends on the length and composition of the primers. If the temperature is too high, then the primers will not anneal correctly, and if the annealing temperature is too low then the primers will anneal non-specifically (Hecker et al. 1996). Magnesium ions interact with the DNA polymerase enzyme during this process. The magnesium ion interacts with negatively charged molecules in the reaction. Positive ions of magnesium interact with the negatively charged DNA strands to mask the forces of repulsion (Markoulatos et al. 2002). Template DNA is a fragment of DNA which is needed to create required copies. DNA Taq polymerase is a polymerase enzyme, which is essential for DNA replication, this means that DNA polymerase synthesizes DNA molecules from their nucleotide building blocks (Huang et al. 1992). The nucleotides include the four bases ââ¬â adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine (A, T, C, G) ââ¬â that are found in DNA. These act as the building blocks that are used by the DNA polymerase to create the resultant PCR product. During this experiment, two methods were used to visualise the PCR products formed. These were Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and Agarose gel electrophoresis method. Electrophoresis is a separation procedure which is based on the separation of DNA fragments by size, shape and charge. The clue of this process is the mobility of ions in an electric field (nucleoid acids, which are negatively charged migrate to the anode ââ¬â positive electrode) (Stellwagen, 1998). Aim The aim of this experiment was to assess which parameters as annealing temperature, concentration of magnesium, and template DNA influence DNA amplification efficiency and specificity. 2.0à Materials and methods This section was divided into two parts. In part A, a PCR reaction 1 set-up using optimised PCR mastermix was done, while in part B, a PCR reaction was set-up to test four different variables to optimise a PCR reaction. 2.1à Part A Setting up the PCR reaction A mastermix enough for four reactions was made. 30à µl of H2O, 50à µl of 2X PCR mastermix and 4à µl each of forward and reverse primers were pipetted and mixed in an Eppendorf tube from which, 24à µl of the mastermix was pipetted into three separate PCR tubes (i.e. tube 1, 2, and 3). 1à µl of sample DNA, 1à µl of 1/10 diluted DNA and 1à µl of H2O were added to each tubes respectively and each amplified on a PCR block running the following programme: Denaturing step done at 94oC for two minutes Amplification step done at 94oC for 30 seconds, 55oC for 30 seconds and 72oC for 1 minute. This step was repeated for 35 cycles. Finally, the extension step was done at 72oC for 3 minutes. Agarose gel electrophoresis (2% agarose gel for PCR) An agarose gel was submerged in a gel tank filled with TBE buffer. Then 5à µl of gel loading buffer was added to each sample and mixed. Next, the first well was loaded with the molecular weight marker and then 10à µl of each sample was loaded into each respective wells. Next, the gel was run for 45 minutes at 80V. Finally, the gel was visualised on the gel documentation system to show separation and migration of the DNA. 2.2à Part B PCR optimisation reaction For this protocol, PCR reactions were set up and individual components of the reactions were varied in other to optimise them as follows: Annealing temperature optimisation 17.75à µl of water, 2.5à µl of 10x reaction buffer, 0.75à µl of Magnesium Chloride (50mMol), 0.5à µl of dNTPs, 1à µl each of forward and reverse primers, 0.5à µl of Taq polymerase and 1à µl of DNA were pipetted into 5 separate tubes (i.e. tube 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) which were then placed on a gradient PCR block, with one tube at each of the following temperature 46oC, 52oC, 55oC, 58oC, and 65oC. Next, the PCR block was set to the following programme: Denaturing step at 94oC for two minutes Amplification step at 94oC for thirty seconds, 46-65oC for thirty seconds, and 72oC for one minute. This stage was repeated for thirty-five cycles. Finally, the extension step was done at 72oC for three minutes. Template optimisation A PCR mastermix containing 13.75à µl of water, 2.5à µl of 10x reaction buffer, 0.75à µl of 50mMol magnesium chloride, 0.5à µl dNTPs, 1à µl each of forward and reverse primer and 0.5à µl of Taq polymerase were pipetted into five tubes. Next, 5, 2, 1, 0.1, and 0.01à µl of template DNA and, 0, 3, 4, 4.9. 4.99à µl of H2O were added to each tubes respectively. Next, the tubes were then amplified on a PCR block using the same cycle parameters as set out in part A. Magnesium concentration A PCR mastermix mastermix containing 16à µl of water, 2.5à µl of 10x reaction buffer, 0.5à µl dNTPs, 1à µl each of forward and reverse primer, 0.5à µl of Taq polymerase and 1à µl of DNA were pipetted into five tubes (i.e. tube 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). Next, a Mgcl2 dilution was prepared to get a final Mgcl2 mMol of 0.5, 1.5, 2, 3 and 5mMol which were then added to each tubes respectively to give a final volume of 25à µl. Next, the tubes were then amplified on a PCR block using the same cycle parameters as set out in part A. Touchdown PCR A PCR mastermix was prepared using the same variables outlined for magnesium concentration. Then the touchdown PCR programme used was as follows: 94à °C for 3 minutes then 94à °C for 30 seconds, 64à °C for 30 seconds and 72à °C for one minute for three cycles, 94à °C for 30 seconds, 61à °C for 30 seconds, and 72à °C for one minute for three cycles, 94à °C for 30 seconds, 58à °C for 30 seconds, and 72à °C for one minute for three cycles, 94à °C for 30 seconds, 55à °C for 30 seconds, and 72à °C for one minute for three cycles, 94à °C for 30 seconds, 53à °C for 30 seconds, and 72à °C for one minute for thirty cycles, and finally 72à °C for three minutes. Sample preparation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis After all the different optimisation protocols, the samples to be loaded into the gel were prepared by adding 5à µl of loading buffer to each PCR reaction and mixed. Next, 5à µl of DNA ladder was pipetted into the first well while 10à µl of sample were pipetted into each designated wells. The gel was then run at 100V for 45 minutes. After which, the gel was recovered and placed in a weighing boat containing 1x TBE buffer. Next, 5à µl of ethidium bromide was carefully introduced into the weighing boat and left for 10 minutes before visualisation with a gel documentation system. 3.0à Result PCR reactions were set up in 5 different PCR tubes with all the required components for complete PCR reaction , save for a particular factor which was varied to ascertain the optimal concentration necessary for the production of the highest amount of pure specific product. The results obtained from these various optimised factors are represented in the gels below. Part A Optimized PCR 1à µl of DNA template was loaded in the well labelled neat DNA and it revealed the highest amount of product formed, the well containing a 1/10 diluted DNA had a much lower amount of product formed while the well with the water blank yielded no product. Also, unspecific products were not formed. Figure 1: Optimised PCR agarose gel. Part B The results of different PCR optimisation reactions PCR annealing temperature optimisation Figure 2: PCR annealing temperature optimisation polyacrylamide gel. Key: L-molecular weight ladder, lane 1- 48à °c, lane 2- 52à °c, lane 3- 55à °c, lane 4- 62à °c, lane 5- 65à °c, unspecific product, specific product. From Figure 2 above, there are three unspecific products formed in lane 1, a greater specific product with insignificant unspecific product formed in lane 2, insignificant unspecific products formed in lane 3 and there is also a decrease in the intensity of the specific product formed compared with that of lane 2. While in lane 4, there is a minor decrease in the intensity of the specific product formed thus, the intense quantity of the specific product formed (i.e. there is a strong amplification here) and in lane 5, there is a major decrease in the quantity of specific product formed. Therefore, the quantity of the product decreases as the quantity of the template DNA decreases, and the quantity of the specific and unspecific products increases as the quantity of the template DNA increase. Template dilution optimisation Figure 3: Template dilution optimisation polyacrylamide gel. Key: L -molecular weight ladder, lane 1- 5à µl, lane 2- 2à µl, lane 3- 1à µl, lane 4- 0.1à µl, lane 5- 0.01à µl template DNA, specific product, unspecific product. From the gel above, there are three unspecific products formed in lane 1 and also the intensity of the specific product formed is high, the unspecific product formed in lane 2 is insignificant and the specific product formed is greater in intensity (i.e. has a higher amplification) compared with that of lane 1, in lane 3 and 4, the intensity of the specific product formed decreased compared with that of lane 2, while in lane 5, there is a major decrease in the intensity of the specific product formed. Therefore, the quantity of the product decreases as the quantity of the template DNA decreases, and the quantity of the specific and unspecific products increases as the quantity of the template DNA increase. Magnesium dilution optimisation Figure 4: Magnesium dilution optimisation polyacrylamide gel. Key: L -molecular weight ladder, lane 1- 0.5mmol, lane 2- 1.5mmol, lane 3- 2mmol, lane 4- 3mmol, lane 5- 5mmol, specific product, unspecific product. Form the gel above, there is an unspecific and a specific product formed in lane 1, in lane 2 there is a decrease in the intensity of the unspecific product formed and also there is an increase in the amount of specific product formed. In lane 3, there were no production of unspecific products and the intensity of the specific product formed remained high. In lane 4, there is evidence of the presence of an unspecific product formed but the intensity of the specific product formed remained high. While in lane 5, there is a minor reduction in the intensity of the specific product formed while there is visible presence of formation of unspecific products. Magnesium touchdown optimisation Figure 5: ââ¬âTouchdown magnesium concentration optimisation. Key: L ââ¬â molecular weight ladder, lane 1- 0.5 mMol, lane 2- 1.5 mMol, lane 3- 2mMol, lane 4- 3 mMol, lane 5- 5mMol, unspecific product, specific product. From the gel above, in lane 1, the intensity of the unspecific product formed is the same with that of the specific product formed. While in lane 2, 3 and 4, the intensity of the specific products formed are the same while the intensity of the unspecific products gradually decreased. There was no unspecific product formed in lane 5, however there was a reduction in the intensity of the specific product formed compared to that of lane 4. Discussion This experiment was performed to evaluate different optimisation protocols to optimise PCR reactions. For the PCR reaction using an optimised PCR mastermix in part A, the highest amount of products formed was observed in the well containing 1à µl of DNA template.The annealing temperature is the most important optimisation, because it can have an influence on the specificity of the reaction. If the temperature is too high, the hybridization will not take place thus, templates and primers remain dissociated. If the temperature is too low, mismatched hybrids will occur. Correct annealing temperature must be low enough to start hybridization between template and primer, and also high enough to prevent forming mismatched hybrids (Roux, 2009). According to the results from annealing temperature optimization polyacrylamide gel (Figure 2), the most suitable annealing temperature was 62oC, because the band was clear and single as opposed to the 48oC, 52oC and 55oC, where the smears (i.e. unspecific products) were shown. The intensity of the band in 62oC was the strongest compared with that o f 65oC. The most suitable template dilution for PCR was 2à µl, because it gave in the polyacrylamide gel in Figure 3, the most bright, single band with very low amount of unspecific products formed. Besides, annealing temperature and template dilution parameters, PCR reaction components could also lead to non-specific amplification. Two variables, which are reported to greatly influence the specificity of the PCR reaction, are magnesium and dNTP concentration (Dwivedi et al. 2003). For magnesium dilution touchdown (Figure 5), the molarities at 1.5, 2 and 3mMol showed very similar amount of products formed indicating the importance of the magnesium in PCR amplification while for magnesium dilution without touchdown (Figure 4), it was found that 2mM yielded the best results. Magnesium concentration is known to play a critical role in amplification as it can affect DNA strand denaturation, primer annealing specificity and enzyme fidelity. These observations are in agreement with earlier studies (Innis et al. 1990; Eeles et al. 1993). Even brief incubations of a PCR mix at temperatures significantly below theTmcan result in primer-dimer formation and nonspecific priming. Hot-start PCR methods (Erlich et al. 1991;Ruano et al. 1992) can dramatically reduce these problems. In this experiment, two methods were used to visualise the PCR products formed. They are, Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and Agarose gel electrophoresis. Agarose gel is the most popular medium for the separation of moderate and large-sized nucleic acids and have a wide range of separation but a low resolving power, since the bands formed in the gels tend to be indistinct and spread apart. This is a result of pore size and cannot be largely controlled (Stellwagen, 1998). However, Polyacrylamide gels are normally more difficult to prepare and handle, and it requires a longer time for preparation than agarose gels. However, polyacrylamide gels have a greater resolving power, can accommodate larger quantities of DNA without any significant loss in resolution and the DNA obtained from polyacrylamide gels is extremely pure (Guilliatt, 2002). Hence, they are better than agarose gels. It should be noted that polyacrylamide is a neurotoxin (when unpolymerized), but with proper labo ratory care it is no more dangerous than various commonly used chemicals in the laboratory (Budowle Allen, 1991). Conclusion Optimisation of Polymerase Chain Reaction is very important for PCR performance to minimize failures, avoid the production of non-specific products and increase specificity of the reaction. The knowledge of proper conditions allows to use PCR correctly and to receive good results. 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Friday, October 25, 2019
Critical Analysis Of The Eagle By Lord Tennyson :: Poetry Analysis
Critical Analysis of "The Eagle" by Lord Tennyson The name of the poem I am writing about is called ââ¬Å"The Eagleâ⬠by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. It is in figurative language form. The poem is divided into 2 Stanza's with 3 lines each. And there are an average of 9 feet a line. The rhyme scheme is every last word in each stanza rhyme's. Some of the imagery is with sight and sound. For sight they are ââ¬Å"Close to the sunâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Azure worldâ⬠, azure mean the blue color in a clear daytime sky. ââ¬Å" Wrinkled sea beneathâ⬠, and ââ¬Å"mountain wallsâ⬠. The only one that was imagery of sight & sound was ââ¬Å"like a thunderbolt he fallsâ⬠. The figures of speech are ââ¬Å"wrinkled seaâ⬠, which means the waves in the ocean. And one simile is ââ¬Å"like a thunderbolt he fallsâ⬠, it is saying how fast a eagle dives. The poems theme is how an eagle can fly so high and dive so fast.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Proprietary vs Contract Security Essay
Security Many types of security are in existents today, site or mobile patrol; loss prevention functions; special events security; in-house security functions and private investigations are some of the tasks. Choosing the right one for the needs of any establishment should be one of the ultimate goals of the business. This paper will focus on proprietary and contract security in particular. A comparison of the two types of security will be addressed. Identifying some of the issues in either type of security is of great importance as well as understanding the various roles of security personnel. After briefly recognizing some of the advantages and disadvantages of proprietary versus contract security, a recommendation will be rendered on which type should be utilized for the international automobile manufacturer that I have been assigned as the security manager. Comparison Proprietary security is controlled entirely by a particular company and is responsible for the hiring, firing and management of personnel. Contract security is operated by a professional security company and contracts its services to different companies. The status of proprietary security is considered higher than contract security, attracting a higher quality of security personnel and a greater expense in wages. The cost for contract security is becoming more prevalent because of the increased price tag or liability for companies. Although this is not true for all companies; many directors of security fear that switching to a contract provider will mean they are of decreased value to their company (Allied Barton, 2009). In contrast, security directors that outsource their security program often find they no longer spend long day to day hours managing security officers. Instead, they are able to offer their skills in more prominent and visible areas of security and consulting and analysis (Allied Barton, 2009). Both types of security may include the same services with benefits; yet, there are some advantages and disadvantages. Advantages and Disadvantages Proprietary security is still viewed as having many advantages than contract security. The consistency, best training for security personnel and specific needs offer the balance to identify different types of behaviors toward employees. Contract security was seen in the past as inadequate, untrained and not loyal; today, there has been an increase in use of contract security vendors. The performance levels of private security vendors, high level of educated and experienced security professionals have caused the cost factor to be a secondary consideration. While there are many other reasons for advantages and disadvantages in these two types of security, addressing the issues in choosing which is best for any particular business should be weighed. Conclusion There are many costs and benefits to be considered when choosing a proprietary or contract security. When deciding on the type of security, be sure to weigh the positives and negatives of the different types and which can be more beneficial to the business. Each business will have its own personnel and facility knowledge. Proprietary security is more costly when replacing individuals. Contract security makes it easier to lower the internal pressures and provide services such as recruiting, training, supervision, security factors, uniforms, and the costs is lower than proprietary security. My recommendation as the security manager for the international automobile manufacturer is to utilize the contract security. Many types of security are in existents today; choosing the right one for the needs of any establishment should be one of the ultimate goals of the business. The objective to focus on proprietary and contract security has been addressed and compared. This paper has identified some of the issues in one or the other type of security and elaborated on the significant importance as well as understanding the various roles of security personnel. After briefly recognizing some of the advantages and disadvantages of proprietary versus contract security, a recommendation has been rendered to utilize contract security for the international automobile manufacturer that I have been assigned as the security manager.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
KFC for Kentucky Fried Chicken
?KFC for Kentucky Fried Chicken is a fast food restaurant chain that specializes in fried chicken and is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, United States (US). It is the world's second largest restaurant chain overall (as measured by sales) after McDonald's, with over 18,000 outlets in 120 countries and territories as of December 2012. The company is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, a restaurant company that also owns the Pizza Hut and Taco Bell restaurant chains. KFC was founded by Harland Sanders, an entrepreneur who began selling fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in Corbin, Kentucky, during the Great.Sanders identified the potential of the restaurant franchising concept, and the first ââ¬Å"Kentucky Fried Chickenâ⬠franchise opened in Utah in 1952. KFC popularized chicken in the fast food industry, diversifying the market by challenging the established dominance of the hamburger. By branding himself as ââ¬Å"Colonel Sanders,â⬠Harland became a prominent figure of American cultural history, and his image remains widely used in KFC advertising. However, the company's rapid expansion saw it overwhelm the ageing Sanders, and in 1964 he sold the company to a group of investors led by John Y. Brown, Jr. and Jack C. Massey.KFC was one of the first fast food chains to expand internationally, opening outlets in England, Mexico and Jamaica by the mid-1960s. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, KFC experienced mixed fortunes domestically, as it went through a series of changes in corporate ownership with little or no experience in the restaurant business. In the early 1970s, KFC was sold to the spirits distributor Heinlein, who was taken over by the Reynolds food and tobacco conglomerate, who sold the chain to PepsiCo. The chain continued to expand overseas however, and in 1987 KFC became the first Western restaurant chain to open in China.The chain has since expanded rapidly in China, which is now the company's most profitable market. PepsiCo spun off its restaurants division as Tricon Global Restaurants, which later changed its name to Yum! Brands. KFC's original product is pressure fried chicken pieces, seasoned with Sanders' recipe of 11 herbs and spices. The constituents of the recipe represent a notable trade secret. Larger portions of fried chicken are served in a cardboard ââ¬Å"bucket,â⬠which has become an icon of the chain since it was first introduced by franchisee Pete Harman in 1957.Since the early 1990s, KFC has expanded its menu to offer other chicken products such as chicken and wraps, as well as salads and side dishes such as French fries and coleslaw, desserts and soft drinks, the latter often supplied by PepsiCo. KFC is known for the slogan ââ¬Å"finger licking' good,â⬠which has since been replaced by ââ¬Å"Nobody does chicken like KFCâ⬠and ââ¬Å"So good. â⬠Unethical issues in KFC Company 1. Provide Greasy Unhealthy Food The growing and bustling population of today is obviously differ ent from the population of the previous decades in terms of health and nutritional attitudes and behaviors.People today are more concerned with their health and figures than ever before. Obviously, the reason for this increased awareness is because of the fact that information is everywhere and every reports and research about nutrition seem to link fast foods with the growing number of obesity. Being one of the most popular fast food restaurants and with millions of people patronizing the products and foods offered by the company, it is important the company adheres to ethical standards specifically in terms of providing healthy foods.However, it has been observed that KFC is using oil which contains Tran's fatty acids and contain in monosodium glutamate, which is MSG. This is noted to increase cholesterol and even increased the risk of having heart disease and obesity. As authorities discovered this, the case was being carried over by the consumer group Centre for Science in the P ublic Interest and told the company to use healthier cooking products than the one they are using. 2. Protests by PETA KFC is the world's largest chicken fast-food chain in the world with more than 9900 stores at an average annual consumption of nearly 800 million chickens in all over the world.In order to reduce costs, KFC chicken suppliers kept the chickens in overcrowded cages and given drug to urging their growth so that they are usually too heavy and can't even walk. In year 2003, PETA organization (Association of Ethical Treatment of Animals) found a video exposing KFC supplier abuse chickens by cruel trick and this immediately aroused public attention. In the video can see the staff do anything to abuse the chicken, they often cut off their wings, slamming them to the wall, punched them as sandbags, kicked them as football.At slaughter, the chicken' throats are slit and dropped into tanks of scalding-hot water while they are still conscious. They abuse the chickens alive to d eath and then gave to outlet frying as delicious fried chicken serve all around the world. .3. Advertisement Mislead Nowadays, advertising communication play a importance role in our society. As we all know, fast food is high fat and calorie food, cellulose content is low, long-term consumption will lead to obesity, endangering the liver and other organs healthy.But fast-food ads never mentioned these issues, always promoted eating fast food is a modern lifestyle and fashionable, the food is fresh and tasty, nutrition and health. This is a food culture and lifestyle misleading from advertising, especially to young people and children. In 2003 autumn, KFC played ââ¬Å"health cardâ⬠at TV ad, saying that Kentucky Fried Chicken ââ¬Å"has the human body the necessary carbohydrates, is a daily non-integral part of the menu. ââ¬Å"This ad exaggerated the Kentucky Fried Chicken features, many people discontent into this broadcast, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission specifically to t his investigation. Under pressre from all sides, soon KFC Company takes off this advertisement. In this year July, ASA (Advertising Standards Authority), found that the U. S. KFC have an ad misleading consumers think that the fresh chicken is on daily basis delivered to every KFC outlets, this suspected of misleading to consumers. Advertising content shows a young chef side of a chicken sprinkled with flour, says: ââ¬Å"I want to cook the most delicious food, secret is use the correct materials, like this fresh chickenâ⬠.Ad adds the narration: ââ¬Å"Kentucky Fried Chicken, fresh meat. Every store, Every day. â⬠But the ASA found that KFC chicken are delivered to each stores three times per week, it was decided shall not broadcast the ad, unless modified. Solution of KFC Company 1 Provide Healthy Product The traditional ethical stance of the company is to prevent actual problems on health and nutrition. However, there is an obvious lack for long term plans that will also maintain these developments even in years to come.KFC Company should realize that their does not only have a responsibility to their current customers but to future generations as well. The scope of responsibility as cited in this discussion should include the provision of respect for others, honest and pure intentions as well as protection from harm. The management of KFC should be responsible in maintaining that healthy and nutritional foods which future generations will need as well so as to survive. Nowadays, people are more concerned with their health and figures than ever before.Obviously, the reason for this increased awareness is because of the fact that information is everywhere and every reports and research about nutrition seem to link fast foods with the growing number of obesity. In this case, KFC should start research on healthier ingredient like offering roaster chicken instead of fried chicken and provide low fat, low calories product to consumer. For example, McDona ld's recently have announced that they will use organic milk to product the coffee and chocolate in future.As consumers increasingly concerned about the source of food, McDonald's also had to be improved for their own ingredient in order to increase the turnover. McDonald's (UK) director Steve Easterbrook said, British consumers increasingly focusing on the quality of food sources and the realm of ethics, which has led to Britain's organic dairy products has been greatly welcomed, so we also decided to provide our customers changes in the quality of milk. At the same time, we also hope that through this change, can increase the level of consumption of organic milk, organic dairy products market, contribute to the development.Well-known dairy company Arla is a McDonald's milk supplier, said the organic milk market development more and more powerful, and we are very pleased to see McDonald's fast food industry to lead the transition to organic dairy products. Other than that, in 2008 McDonald's launches a new ââ¬Å"cooked in a canola oil blend' symbol to the packaging of menu items cooked in oil to help inform customers that these products are cooked in a blend of canola and sunflower oil which is virtually trans fat free and less than 10 per cent saturated fat.In March, McDonald's introduced a new range of seared, 100 per cent chicken breast fillet products, providing a skinless, lower-fat alternative to deep fried chicken. Hence, KFC should develop and providing healthy product by using alternative oils which do not contains Tran's fatty acids and reducing the amount of MSG increasing the amount of protein in the process. This will convey a message to the consumers and let them know that KFC's chicken will maintain its taste without use great amount of MSG and oils which can contains Tran's fatty acids and will not harm to the consumer's body.By changing of the menu and the ingredient of cooking, this may rebuild their image and reputation from public because image plays the important roles in company in order to survive in future. In the selflessness theory of the Seven Principles of Public Life issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) state that the holder of public office should act personally in term of public interest not only gain benefit to themselves.Therefore, KFC should not only promote their new product, they should also put themselves in the shoe of their customers by understanding their requirements and responsible to make sure that the products are not harming the consumer's healthy lifestyle. 2 Responsibility to Animal Welfare With economic development and social progress, people towards animal's attitude have a series of changes. As result, some countries come up with animal welfare laws and regulations.In addition, with the improvement of living standards in developed countries on food safety and health have become increasingly stringent requirements, the WTO also requires on this. PETA advocates to promote animal welfare, the main purpose is to have better human beings, in a reasonable and humane use of animals at the same time taking into account the welfare of animals that live to be comfortable and not painful death. Some studies show that in dirty and dense environment, pigs, chickens, ducks and other animals, their immunity will be greatly reduced and it is easy to fall ill, thus causing animal diseases.If an animals suddenly suffering in terror state, it will secret a large quality of adrenal and it will affecting the quality of the meat and these hormones may have hazardous on human health. After exposing the video of inhumane slaughter of chickens, PETA has been keep open condemnation on the KFC. KFC company should pay enough attention on this case, continuous improvement of the chicken breeding method and it living environment. This is the only way to ensure the chicken welfare, otherwise KFC will facing enormous obstacles from public.Besides that, KFC should made a c ommitment to require supplier farms to take measures to improve animal breeding environment, not forced feeding, not cruelty to animals and reduce suffer as much as possible when slaughtering process, or they will stop purchasing from them. PETA organization had proposed in change of using poison gas to slaughter chickens, this can reduce the pain of death to zero and reduce the contact between handlers, and would not affect on the quality of meat. Thus, KFC company should consider this propose and do their best to implement it in future.To support the view, deontological theory explains that it is a moral duty for individual to make the right decision determined not by its consequences but by obligation and commitments. 3 Improve Public Relationship TV media has an important impact on people to their moral values, self-awareness, and values. Advertising can influence people's attitudes change and affecting people's consumer attitudes and values. Therefore, if the information of ads are no false it will cause a negative impact on the socio cultural.Young people and children are important consumer group for KFC, many parents concerned about KFC food contained in the low nutrition and high-calorie, worried that will cause children's bad eating habits and nutritional imbalance caused by such issues. In fact, the media has a huge influence, if used properly will be able to play a significant positive effect. KFC should development of many more healthy, low calorie meals and other nutrition and health portfolio selection, and should clearly marked on the number of calories, nutrients, energy and nutrient density and the consumption of different age groups.So that, KFC can advocacy the healthy diet and exercise ideas in their ads, indicating the nutritional information, educating parents a correct idea and providing children the correct healthy diet knowledge. KFC company can also partnership with other public relation company holding a long-term, large-scale, cross -media public relations activities to advocacy the concept of the importance of health, encouraging of healthy eating and regular exercise habits, and provide a testing of body fat index (BMI) to public and also pay attention to the needs of disadvantage ethnic communities.Besides, by promote healthier eating habits to the public, it will win back consumers confidence and increasing its publicity with a more favorable corporate image. According to Mike Roberts, McDonald's president and chief operations officer, he said that, ââ¬Å"There is nothing more important to McDonald's than building customer trust and loyalty around the worldâ⬠. Furthermore, the ethical theory of moral relativism which can applies to people who believe that an act is right if approves by the social group in which person belong.4. 0best Practice & Value In my opinion, ethical business, safety, environmental responsibility, social and sustainable development is the best practices that KFC Company should h ave. KFC shall always identify the needs, wants and interest of its consumer and to provide the desired satisfactions more effectively than its competitor in such a manner that preserves or improves the well-being of both the consumers and the society especially in terms of health nutrition.KFC had act responsibility to committed providing their customers with safe, delicious meals and maintaining operating their restaurants under the highest food safety standards. This commitment is at the heart of operations and supply chain management, and is evident in every aspect of business from raw material procurement to restaurant food preparation and delivery. KFC believe treating animals humanely and with care is a key part of their quality assurance efforts.This means animals should be free from mistreatment at all possible times from how they are raised and cared for to how they are transported and processed. Their goal is to only deal with suppliers who can provide an environment that is free from cruelty, abuse and neglect. Between recognize of maintaining high standards of animal welfare is an ongoing process. Training and education has and will continue to play a key role in efforts. KFC will continue to work with experts so that the quality assurance employees and suppliers have the training and knowledge necessary to further the humane treatment of animals.The inclusion of the social responsibility concept to the business sector is not only necessary to broaden the companies' involvement to social matters. The application of social responsibility to organizations is in fact a main contributory factor to their profitability and to ensure that they always follow ethical matters while doing their business. According to the findings of Mohr and Webb showed that social responsibility plays a significant role in consumer appeal.The perceptions of consumers however, tends to vary with regards to this aspect. Nonetheless, this stresses the importance of social resp onsibility not only on benefiting the stakeholders but also in achieving the goals of the companies towards growth and profitability. At present, the management of KFC has already realized the growing importance of social responsibility and that integrating this concept cannot be sufficiently supported by the optimization of shareholder value.Additionally, KFC has essential managing company in health, safety and community responsibilities this may lead KFC Company continuing success. 5 Proper Advertisement lead Advertisement is very essential for any business. Advertise can make a business wider. with out advertisement no business can run properly. 6 Suggestion & Strategic Options One of the responsibilities of an organization is to make sure that all their actions and business operations adhere to the ethical standards provided by the law.Other than strategies for marketing and management, businesses have considered other elements that play significant roles towards success. One of these important elements is ethics. As business requires social interaction and dealings, the strong recognition of what is morally right or wrong is then essential. In this reflective discussion, various ethical theories will be described. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the role of each theory to business and how these theories can be helpful to modern operations.All in all, it can be said that having a business organization that considers ethical management are business which can easily gain respect and good reputation from the customers. Contrary to the belief that social responsibility undermines businesses' profitability goal, this actually help in generating profit through customer loyalty and good company image. For Kentucky Fried Chicken, the company must be able to ensure that the products that they offer are healthy and nutritional, so as to ensure also that their gain customer trust, loyalty and respect. ï » ¿KFC for Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC for Kentucky Fried Chicken is a fast food restaurant chain that specializes in fried chicken and is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, United States (US). It is the world's second largest restaurant chain overall (as measured by sales) after McDonald's, with over 18,000 outlets in 120 countries and territories as of December 2012. The company is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, a restaurant company that also owns the Pizza Hut and Taco Bell restaurant chains. KFC was founded by Harland Sanders, an entrepreneur who began selling fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in Corbin, Kentucky, during the Great. Sanders identified the potential of the restaurant franchising concept, and the first ââ¬Å"Kentucky Fried Chickenâ⬠franchise opened in Utah in 1952.KFC popularized chicken in the fast food industry, diversifying the market by challenging the established dominance of the hamburger. By branding himself as ââ¬Å"Colonel Sanders,â⬠Harland became a prominent figure of American cultural history, and his image remains widely used in KFC advertising. However, the company's rapid expansion saw it overwhelm the ageing Sanders, and in 1964 he sold the company to a group of investors led by John Y. Brown, Jr. and Jack C. Massey. KFC was one of the first fast food chains to expand internationally, opening outlets in England, Mexico and Jamaica by the mid-1960s.Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, KFC experienced mixed fortunes domestically, as it went through a series of changes in corporate ownership with little or no experience in the restaurant business. In the early 1970s, KFC was sold to the spirits distributor Heinlein, who was taken over by the Reynolds food and tobacco conglomerate, who sold the chain to PepsiCo. The chain continued to expand overseas however, and in 1987 KFC became the first Western restaurant chain to open in China. The chain has since expanded rapidly in China, which is now the company's most profitable market.PepsiCo spun off i ts restaurants division as Tricon Global Restaurants, which later changed its name to Yum! Brands. KFC's original product is pressure fried chicken pieces, seasoned with Sanders' recipe of 11 herbs and spices. The constituents of the recipe represent a notable trade secret. Larger portions of fried chicken are served in a cardboard ââ¬Å"bucket,â⬠which has become an icon of the chain since it was first introduced by franchisee Pete Harman in 1957. Since the early 1990s, KFC has expanded its menu to offer other chicken products such as chicken and wraps, as well as salads and sideà dishes such as French fries and coleslaw, desserts and soft drinks, the latter often supplied by PepsiCo. KFC is known for the slogan ââ¬Å"finger licking' good,â⬠which has since been replaced by ââ¬Å"Nobody does chicken like KFCâ⬠and ââ¬Å"So good.â⬠Unethical issues in KFC Company1. Provide Greasy Unhealthy FoodThe growing and bustling population of today is obviously differe nt from the population of the previous decades in terms of health and nutritional attitudes and behaviors. People today are more concerned with their health and figures than ever before. Obviously, the reason for this increased awareness is because of the fact that information is everywhere and every reports and research about nutrition seem to link fast foods with the growing number of obesity.Being one of the most popular fast food restaurants and with millions of people patronizing the products and foods offered by the company, it is important the company adheres to ethical standards specifically in terms of providing healthy foods. However, it has been observed that KFC is using oil which contains Tran's fatty acids and contain in monosodium glutamate, which is MSG. This is noted to increase cholesterol and even increased the risk of having heart disease and obesity. As authorities discovered this, the case was being carried over by the consumer group Centre for Science in the P ublic Interest and told the company to use healthier cooking products than the one they are using.2. Protests by PETAKFC is the world's largest chicken fast-food chain in the world with more than 9900 stores at an average annual consumption of nearly 800 million chickens in all over the world. In order to reduce costs, KFC chicken suppliers kept the chickens in overcrowded cages and given drug to urging their growth so that they are usually too heavy and can't even walk. In year 2003, PETA organization (Association of Ethical Treatment of Animals) found a video exposing KFC supplier abuse chickens by cruel trick and this immediately aroused public attention.In the video can see the staff do anything to abuse the chicken, they often cut off their wings, slamming themà to the wall, punched them as sandbags, kicked them as football. At slaughter, the chicken' throats are slit and dropped into tanks of scalding-hot water while they are still conscious. They abuse the chickens alive to death and then gave to outlet frying as delicious fried chicken serve all around the world.3. Advertisement MisleadNowadays, advertising communication play a importance role in our society. As we all know, fast food is high fat and calorie food, cellulose content is low, long-term consumption will lead to obesity, endangering the liver and other organs healthy. But fast-food ads never mentioned these issues, always promoted eating fast food is a modern lifestyle and fashionable, the food is fresh and tasty, nutrition and health. This is a food culture and lifestyle misleading from advertising, especially to young people and children. In 2003 autumn, KFC played ââ¬Å"health cardâ⬠at TV ad, saying that Kentucky Fried Chicken ââ¬Å"has the human body the necessary carbohydrates, is a daily non-integral part of the menu.â⬠This ad exaggerated the Kentucky Fried Chicken features, many people discontent into this broadcast, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission specifically to th is investigation. Under pressre from all sides, soon KFC Company takes off this advertisement. In this year July, ASA (Advertising Standards Authority), found that the U.S. KFC have an ad misleading consumers think that the fresh chicken is on daily basis delivered to every KFC outlets, this suspected of misleading to consumers. Advertising content shows a young chef side of a chicken sprinkled with flour, says: ââ¬Å"I want to cook the most delicious food, secret is use the correct materials, like this fresh chickenâ⬠. Ad adds the narration: ââ¬Å"Kentucky Fried Chicken, fresh meat. Every store, Every day.â⬠But the ASA found that KFC chicken are delivered to each stores three times per week, it was decided shall not broadcast the ad, unless modified.Solution of KFC Company1 Provide Healthy ProductThe traditional ethical stance of the company is to prevent actual problems on health and nutrition. However, there is an obvious lack for long termà plans that will also ma intain these developments even in years to come. KFC Company should realize that their does not only have a responsibility to their current customers but to future generations as well. The scope of responsibility as cited in this discussion should include the provision of respect for others, honest and pure intentions as well as protection from harm. The management of KFC should be responsible in maintaining that healthy and nutritional foods which future generations will need as well so as to survive. Nowadays, people are more concerned with their health and figures than ever before.Obviously, the reason for this increased awareness is because of the fact that information is everywhere and every reports and research about nutrition seem to link fast foods with the growing number of obesity. In this case, KFC should start research on healthier ingredient like offering roaster chicken instead of fried chicken and provide low fat, low calories product to consumer. For example, McDonal d's recently have announced that they will use organic milk to product the coffee and chocolate in future. As consumers increasingly concerned about the source of food, McDonald's also had to be improved for their own ingredient in order to increase the turnover.McDonald's (UK) director Steve Easterbrook said, British consumers increasingly focusing on the quality of food sources and the realm of ethics, which has led to Britain's organic dairy products has been greatly welcomed, so we also decided to provide our customers changes in the quality of milk. At the same time, we also hope that through this change, can increase the level of consumption of organic milk, organic dairy products market, contribute to the development.Well-known dairy company Arla is a McDonald's milk supplier, said the organic milk market development more and more powerful, and we are very pleased to see McDonald's fast food industry to lead the transition to organic dairy products. Other than that, in 2008 M cDonald's launches a new ââ¬Å"cooked in a canola oil blend' symbol to the packaging of menu items cooked in oil to help inform customers that these products are cooked in a blend of canola and sunflower oil which is virtually trans fat free and less than 10 per cent saturated fat.In March, McDonald's introduced a new range of seared, 100 per cent chicken breast fillet products, providing a skinless, lower-fat alternative to deep fried chicken. Hence, KFC should develop and providing healthy product by using alternative oils which do not contains Tran's fatty acids and reducing theà amount of MSG increasing the amount of protein in the process. This will convey a message to the consumers and let them know that KFC's chicken will maintain its taste without use great amount of MSG and oils which can contains Tran's fatty acids and will not harm to the consumer's body.By changing of the menu and the ingredient of cooking, this may rebuild their image and reputation from public becau se image plays the important roles in company in order to survive in future. In the selflessness theory of the Seven Principles of Public Life issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) state that the holder of public office should act personally in term of public interest not only gain benefit to themselves. Therefore, KFC should not only promote their new product, they should also put themselves in the shoe of their customers by understanding their requirements and responsible to make sure that the products are not harming the consumer's healthy lifestyle.2 Responsibility to Animal WelfareWith economic development and social progress, people towards animal's attitude have a series of changes. As result, some countries come up with animal welfare laws and regulations. In addition, with the improvement of living standards in developed countries on food safety and health have become increasingly stringent requirements, the WTO also requires on this. PETA advocates t o promote animal welfare, the main purpose is to have better human beings, in a reasonable and humane use of animals at the same time taking into account the welfare of animals that live to be comfortable and not painful death.Some studies show that in dirty and dense environment, pigs, chickens, ducks and other animals, their immunity will be greatly reduced and it is easy to fall ill, thus causing animal diseases. If an animals suddenly suffering in terror state, it will secret a large quality of adrenal and it will affecting the quality of the meat and these hormones may have hazardous on human health. After exposing the video of inhumane slaughter of chickens, PETA has been keep open condemnation on the KFC. KFC company should pay enough attention on this case, continuous improvement of the chicken breeding method and it living environment. This is the only way to ensure the chicken welfare, otherwise KFC will facing enormous obstacles from public.Besides that, KFC should made a commitment to require supplierà farms to take measures to improve animal breeding environment, not forced feeding, not cruelty to animals and reduce suffer as much as possible when slaughtering process, or they will stop purchasing from them. PETA organization had proposed in change of using poison gas to slaughter chickens, this can reduce the pain of death to zero and reduce the contact between handlers, and would not affect on the quality of meat. Thus, KFC company should consider this propose and do their best to implement it in future. To support the view, deontological theory explains that it is a moral duty for individual to make the right decision determined not by its consequences but by obligation and commitments.3 Improve Public RelationshipTV media has an important impact on people to their moral values, self-awareness, and values. Advertising can influence people's attitudes change and affecting people's consumer attitudes and values. Therefore, if the information of ads are no false it will cause a negative impact on the socio cultural. Young people and children are important consumer group for KFC, many parents concerned about KFC food contained in the low nutrition and high-calorie, worried that will cause children's bad eating habits and nutritional imbalance caused by such issues. In fact, the media has a huge influence, if used properly will be able to play a significant positive effect.KFC should development of many more healthy, low calorie meals and other nutrition and health portfolio selection, and should clearly marked on the number of calories, nutrients, energy and nutrient density and the consumption of different age groups. So that, KFC can advocacy the healthy diet and exercise ideas in their ads, indicating the nutritional information, educating parents a correct idea and providing children the correct healthy diet knowledge. KFC company can also partnership with other public relation company holding a long-term, large-scale, cross-media public relations activities to advocacy the concept of the importance of health, encouraging of healthy eating and regular exercise habits, and provide a testing of body fat index (BMI) to public and also pay attention to the needs of disadvantage ethnic communities.Besides, by promote healthier eating habits to the public, it will win back consumers confidence and increasing its publicity with a more favorable corporate image. According toà Mike Roberts, McDonald's president and chief operations officer, he said that, ââ¬Å"There is nothing more important to McDonald's than building customer trust and loyalty around the worldâ⬠. Furthermore, the ethical theory of moral relativism which can applies to people who believe that an act is right if approves by the social group in which person belong.4.0best Practice & ValueIn my opinion, ethical business, safety, environmental responsibility, social and sustainable development is the best practices that KFC Company sh ould have. KFC shall always identify the needs, wants and interest of its consumer and to provide the desired satisfactions more effectively than its competitor in such a manner that preserves or improves the well-being of both the consumers and the society especially in terms of health nutrition. KFC had act responsibility to committed providing their customers with safe, delicious meals and maintaining operating their restaurants under the highest food safety standards. This commitment is at the heart of operations and supply chain management, and is evident in every aspect of business from raw material procurement to restaurant food preparation and delivery.KFC believe treating animals humanely and with care is a key part of their quality assurance efforts. This means animals should be free from mistreatment at all possible times from how they are raised and cared for to how they are transported and processed. Their goal is to only deal with suppliers who can provide an environme nt that is free from cruelty, abuse and neglect. Between recognize of maintaining high standards of animal welfare is an ongoing process. Training and education has and will continue to play a key role in efforts. KFC will continue to work with experts so that the quality assurance employees and suppliers have the training and knowledge necessary to further the humane treatment of animals.The inclusion of the social responsibility concept to the business sector is not only necessary to broaden the companies' involvement to social matters. The application of social responsibility to organizations is in fact a main contributory factor to their profitability and to ensure that they always follow ethical matters while doing their business. According to the findings of Mohr and Webb showed that social responsibilityà plays a significant role in consumer appeal. The perceptions of consumers however, tends to vary with regards to this aspect. Nonetheless, this stresses the importance of social responsibility not only on benefiting the stakeholders but also in achieving the goals of the companies towards growth and profitability.At present, the management of KFC has already realized the growing importance of social responsibility and that integrating this concept cannot be sufficiently supported by the optimization of shareholder value. Additionally, KFC has essential managing company in health, safety and community responsibilities this may lead KFC Company continuing success.5 Proper Advertisement leadAdvertisement is very essential for any business. Advertise can make a business wider. with out advertisement no business can run properly.6 Suggestion & Strategic OptionsOne of the responsibilities of an organization is to make sure that all their actions and business operations adhere to the ethical standards provided by the law. Other than strategies for marketing and management, businesses have considered other elements that play significant roles towards success . One of these important elements is ethics. As business requires social interaction and dealings, the strong recognition of what is morally right or wrong is then essential. In this reflective discussion, various ethical theories will be described. The main purpose of this paper is to identify the role of each theory to business and how these theories can be helpful to modern operations.All in all, it can be said that having a business organization that considers ethical management are business which can easily gain respect and good reputation from the customers. Contrary to the belief that social responsibility undermines businesses' profitability goal, this actually help in generating profit through customer loyalty and good company image. For Kentucky Fried Chicken, the company must be able to ensure that the products that they offer are healthy and nutritional, so as to ensure also that their gain customer trust, loyalty and respect.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Re Diplock Essays
Re Diplock Essays Re Diplock Essay Re Diplock Essay PART ONE: In Re Diplock, the court held that knowledge did not form the basis for the cause of action and that the recipients conscience was bound by the fact of receipt or in other words personal claim consists of strict liability SOURCE: (Accessory Liability for Breach of Fiduciary Obligation SECTION 3.4 available at lss.unimelb.edu.au/docs/tutorials/2005/equity/Equity3.doc.) PART TWO: At times even a non trustee might attract the liabilities of trusteeship. In Barnes v. Addy , this was elaborated upon and it was held that a breach of trust could make a stranger to a trust liable. These situations are, first, a person may be liable as a trustee de son tort; second, a person is liable if there is assistance with knowledge in a fraudulent and dishonest breach of trust. This is also known as ââ¬Å"knowing assistanceâ⬠; finally, concomitant to the considerations of notice, equity might make a person liable if that person has received property through breach of trust or what is commonly known as ââ¬Å"knowing receiptâ⬠. In this case, the appellant contended that the respondent was liable under knowing assistance and knowing receipt SOURCE: ( Judgments of the Supreme Court of Canada. Gold v. Rosenberg, (1997). 3 S.C.R. 767. available at à http://scc.lexum.umontreal.ca/en/1997/1997rcs3-767/1997rcs3-767.html). PART THREE: ââ¬Å"The lower court had opined that the position of the respondent is that the appellants are liable solely on the basis of objective dishonesty as per Royal Brunei Airlines SDN BHD v Philip Tan Kok Ming, which is analogous with the decision in Agip (Africa) Ltd v Jackson and Cowan de Groot Properties Ltd v Eagle Trust Plc.ââ¬
Monday, October 21, 2019
Flood Types and Classifications in U.S
Flood Types and Classifications in U.S Floods that occur in the United States and abroad can be classified in multiple ways. Theres no steadfast rule for categorizingà flooding along a floodplain or after a tropical cyclone. Instead, broad types of flood labels are applied to any type of water inundation that results in damages. Flooding is one of the most dangerous types of all natural disasters. Flash Floods Floods can be most broadly classified as either river floods or flash floods. The main difference is in the onset of the flooding. With flash floods, there is often little warning that flooding will occur. With river flooding, communities can prepare as a river nears its flood stage.à Flash floods are usually the most lethal. Heavy downpours, often in mountainous highlands, can lead to surges of water that turn dry river beds or flood plains into raging torrentsà within minutes. Local communities usually have little time to flee to higher land, and homes and other property in the waters path can be totally destroyed. Vehicles crossing roadways that are dry or barely wet in one moment can be swept away in the next. When roads and railways are made impassable, delivery of aid can become much more difficult. Slow Onset Floodsà Slow onset floods, such as those that hit Bangladesh almost every year, can also be lethal but they tend to give people much more time to move to higher ground. These floods are a result of surface water runoff. Flash floods can also be the result of surface water runoff, but the terrain is a larger factor in the severity of the flood. They often occur when the ground is already saturated and simply cannot absorb any more water. When deaths occur during slow onset floods, they are much more likely to come about due to disease, malnutrition or snakebites. Floods in China displaced tens of thousands of snakes into neighboring areas in 2007, increasing the risk of attacks. Slower floods are also less likely to sweep away property, although it may still be damaged or destroyed. Areas are likely to remain under water for months at a time. Storms, tropical cyclones, and other maritime extreme weather can also produce deadly storm surges, as happened in New Orleans in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina, Cyclone Sidr in November 2007, and Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar in May 2008. These are most prevalent and dangerous along the coasts and near large bodies of water. Detailed Flood Types There are numerous other ways to classify floods. Many types of floods are a result of the location of the rising waters or other environmental factors. FEMA has a broad classification of flood types as follows: Riverine floodsUrban floodsGround failures, such as dam breaksFluctuating lake levelsCoastal flooding and erosion In addition, flooding can result from ice jams, mine accidents, and tsunamis. Remember that there are no steadfast rules for determining exactly what type of flood may be associated with any given area. Getting flood insurance and following the guidelines for flood safety are critical to keeping yourself, your family, and your property safe during a flood event.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Into the Breach!
Into the Breach! Into the Breach! Into the Breach! By Maeve Maddox A reader experienced a moment of doubt when he came across an online essay ending with this line: So, no cry of victory yet. Rather, ââ¬Å"Once more unto the breach, dear friends!â⬠I forget.à Is it supposed to be breach, as in the gap in a broken wall, or breech, as in the part of the gun where you load the projectile, unless the gun is loaded down the muzzle, of course. I guess King Harrys famous speech isnt as famous as it used to be. To the reader who knows his Henry V, the second line answers the question: Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our English dead. Act Three begins with Henry and his troops surging onto the stage. The men, carrying scaling ladders, are exhausted. Henry is encouraging them to make another assault on the walls of Harfleur. The ââ¬Å"breachâ⬠is a gap in the city wall. Where Shakespeare says ââ¬Å"unto,â⬠we now say ââ¬Å"into.â⬠The two words, breach and breech, both derive from a word meaning break. The English word breeches meaning trousers derives from the plural of broc, garment for the legs and trunk. From this plural comes the word breech meaning the part of the body covered by breeches. By extension the word came to be used in other contexts. A breech birth for example, is one in which the child emerges rear-end first. (Or in some manner other than headfirst.) In gunnery the breech is 1. the hindermost part of a piece of ordnance. 2. the part of a cannon behind the bore 3. the corresponding part in a musket or rifle Breech-loading cannon were used during the Hundred Years War. One of Joan of Arcs military skills was the ability to judge their range. The breech-loading rifle came along in the nineteenth century. You can read King Henrys entire rousing speech here. Sad P.S. As an afterthought I did a search to see if anyone was writing into the breech. Oh dear. Its all over the place. Theres even a band that calls itself that. As the professor in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe asks himself frequently, What do they teach in schools these days? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Royal Order of Adjectives On Behalf Of vs. In Behalf OfConversational Email
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Budgting ip3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Budgting ip3 - Essay Example Finally, this memo will identify the guidelines for a budget that ICBI should adopt. A financial reporting system can be defined as the provision of information relating to the financial performance of the organization, and the usage of an organization financial resource. Financial reporting promotes accountability, which is an important factor that determines the success or failure of a business organization (Heath, 2012). In providing this information, financial reporting gives a summary of a detailed financial data, and it then presents this summarized information in a manner in which people with no accounting experience can understand. One major component of financial reporting system is the availability of information. It is this information that the financial reporters will use to develop budgets, analyze and forecast the flow of the organizations cash, create a dashboard report, identify the key financial indicators, and also provide financial restatements. All these are components of financial reporting. One of the recommended financial reporting systems for the organization to use is the budget (Shim and Siegel, 2012). There are two main types of budgeting, namely activity based budgeting and operating budgeting. The recommended type of budget to use is the activity based budgeting. This is a type of budgeting whereby the activities which incur costs at various functional areas of the organization are written down, and there relationships are thereafter analyzed and defined (Sharma, 2010). Budgeters will then tie these activities to strategic goals of the organization. The costs that the organization incurs in running these activities are then used for purposes of developing a budget. On this note, by considering the cost structure of a given organization, through the various activities that the organization performs, financial analysts can analyze the potential of the organizations services and products to achieve
Friday, October 18, 2019
Philosophy of Life after Death Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Philosophy of Life after Death - Essay Example This paper illustrates that, first, the concept of dualism makes one belief in life after death. Dualism is a belief that people exist in both material and nonmaterial nature, which seem to be independent of each other. According to Taylor, dualists argue that human beings consist of body and soul, the latter being the center if the character and mental element. In dualist, thinking the body is less significant since it is only a carrier of the soul, which survives after the end of the body. Some activities in our lives, for instance, to detect, to will, to consider are totally independent of the physical being, which makes sense in believing in dualism. Descartes, as quoted in seven oaks philosophy website, argues, ââ¬Å"considered the human soul simple, indivisible and indestructible, and thus able to maintain its existence after the death of the bodyâ⬠. One will tend to ask what form a body will take on the next life now that the body is no more. Dualism assumes that life af ter death is continuous and that souls and spirits no longer live in bodies. One measure to self is a solid form, which one must bear even after death. Therefore, dualism fails in this criterion in that the afterlife form do not have bodies to connect with, which means they acquire different forms all together. In the resurrection, Christians believe that sinners get their punishments in purgatory and the saints enjoy in heaven. The inquiry one will ask is how a sinner in the spirit body will feel the pain inflicted on him in hell, or how a saint will enjoy without the physical form. These questions arise because pleasure and pain come to the physical body and not to the soul. Assumptions in dualism prove that there is no life after death. Secondly, the philosophical believes of materialism is not a strong enough support in life after death. In materialism, persons are assumed to rejuvenate and receive the same type of body after death. The lives lived by the resurrected persons com pares with their early life on earth in many ways. They live in a perfect world where they do all they want: good food, walk on bright paths, do not become ill, do not sin, and they have ample possessions. The major concern that arises is how the older person compares to the new person. Can we still prove it is the same person? According to Barnes as quoted in seven oaks philosophical website, ââ¬Å"we cannot imagine ourselves living in heaven or paradise and still being ourselves: if our flaws are corrected, our disabilities removed, our needs and wants to be satisfied, are we still in any meaningful sense the same person?â⬠Assumptions in a materialistic approach to resurrection fail to meet the criterion of identity. The transformation of the persons who die to the new heavenly body without flaws, disabilities, or needs means that the two bodies are two entities altogether. To me, the process of life after death is an impossibility through resurrection. Consider a human bei ng who is a cannibal.
A crime in English Law and Canadian Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
A crime in English Law and Canadian Law - Essay Example These two elements are actus reus and mens rea. It is important to note that concurrence of these two elements is mandatory to prove any offence. While existence of these two elements is common in English and Canadian laws, there are some major differences when it comes to their interpretation in these two laws. In order to analyze definition of crime in English and Canadian laws, developing understanding of actus reus and mens rea is imperative. There are varied definitions of crime present in different national and international laws. However, the most recurrent definition is given by Blackburn (1993, p. 5) which defines crime to be ââ¬Å"acts attracting legal punishment that are injurious in some way to the community at large or one or more people within itâ⬠. Another Canadian version of this definition is provided by Tappan (1960) which defines crime as ââ¬Å"an intentional act or omission in violation of criminal law (statutory or case law), committed without defense or j ustification, and sanctioned by the state as a felony or misdemeanor (Haggan, 2011).â⬠It is important to note that a crime will only be considered as committed if there is actus reus (guilty act carried out voluntarily) and mens rea (guilty mind leading to intention of committing the act) (Boyd, 2010). Therefore, mens rea and actus reus are the major elements of criminal law. Hence, a crime is a breach of rules defined by the state or any other governing authority. Most of the crimes are considered as offences against the state and community. The definition of crime under Canadian law is relatively similar to the one prevailing in English law. Therefore, the crime occurs when an individual breaches criminal law prevailing in the state voluntarily and with guilty mind (actus reus and mens rea respectively). Both laws also presume innocence of the accused until unless proven guilty. However, Canadian law levies burden of proof on the crown counsel in Canada (Boyd, 2010). There i s also slight variation in the elements of these two laws. In English criminal law, actus Reus and mens rea form the main elements of law. Omission of intent is a third element which is referred to as strict liability. However, in many cases, the criminal intentions are not required to be shown. In such cases, strict liability is applied. On the other hand, elements of Canadian criminal law includes actus reus, mens rea, special circumstances leading to incomplete offences, aiding and assisting in crime (Boyd, 2010). As far as criminal liability is concerned, it forms part of product liability law instead of criminal law. In order to understand differences between these two major elements of criminal law, it is important to analyze how English and Canadian laws consider actus reus and mens rea individually. The origin for actus reus and mens rea is English law and it is adapted in Canadian version of criminal law and other parts of the world as well. Actus Reus itself is a Latin for guilty act and is considered as mandatory criterion for criminal offence. It is important to note that actus reus defines all the elements of an offence other than mens rea which defines oneââ¬â¢s state of mind. Actus Reusââ¬â¢ severity is defined by circumstances in which the offence has taken place or its consequences. Hence, the act has to be voluntary and willfully committed in order to fulfill the condition of Actus Reus. There are four types of crimes on the basis of actus Reus which are actions crimes i.e. conduct, state of affairs crimes, result crimes and omission. Actions crimes take place when the consequences of the acts are immaterial. State of affairs
Background to the project management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Background to the project management - Essay Example The undertaking was a platform project since it was based on improving existing systems. The clinic previously utilized the traditional key system. From this undertaking, the project team will gain technical experience in improving the existing technologies. Technology dimension The project had a high tech level of technological uncertainty. The technology used in the project is generally well established. The required improvement is on a small scale and thus new features are limited. Project complexity The project in terms of complexity was under the system project since the used technology was new to the organization. Pace dimension The project was under the fast/ competitive level since it was an internal project of the organization whereby employees were required to have the keys on time to avoid locking other out. A delay in the project will inconvenience the hospital employees since some of them will be unable to access various rooms of the building. The project cycle was made up of three phases. During the initiation phase, the projectââ¬â¢s objectives were clearly outlined. The planning phase is the second stage. In this phase, the actions needed to ensure the project objectives are met were outlined. The last phase is the execution phase whereby the project commences. Due to these setbacks, the project failed or it was unsuccessful. I chose to investigate this situation primarily because it is the major reason why the project was unsuccessful. Thus, it is a vital aspect which had a great impact on the projectââ¬â¢s success.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Report for toyota Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
For toyota - Lab Report Example The local network endeavors to facilitate the progression of a company by compliance with ten global compact principles. They also tries to create opportunities for multi stakeholder related engagement and also collaborative action (United Nations Global Compact, 2010). Toyota Motor Corporation is a leading name in the global automobile industry. The environment related principles stated in global compact principles have been maintained quite efficiently by Toyota is their global venture as well as in their local networks. Their efforts to comply with the environment related principles have contributed to their rise towards the zenith of automobile industry. The environment principles in the global compact predominantly encourages companies to support a precautionary approach towards the environmental challenges along with undertaking greater environment related responsibility, and also encouraging to develop environment friendly technologies. Toyota based on their independently developed ââ¬ËToyota Wayââ¬â¢ has made a commitment towards environment. Their environment friendly approach has been incorporated in all of their business operations and throughout their entire life cycle of any product developed by them. The strategy called sustaina ble mobility has been utilized by Toyota to for managing and developing vehicles as well as technologies. Toyota, as a leader in the environmentally prepared technologies, has always looked to make the world ââ¬Ëgreenââ¬â¢. Toyota looks to raise the industry standards by developing innovative fuel technologies and vehicles in future. Their main aim is to create vibrant and mobile society along with maintaining harmony with the global environment (Toyota, 2010). Toyota also plays major role implementing their global environmental standards in the local networks. The evidence to this can be
International Brewing Industry Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
International Brewing Industry - Case Study Example The recommendations advise that the Danone Group should refrain from significant investments in Brasseries Kronenbourg, and monitor the performance, as to see if there are any improvements in closing the gap on their financial weaknesses and able to move out of debt over a period of time. The following report has demonstrated a knowledge and understanding of the range of techniques and concepts introduced in the Certificate in Management Studies programme. The Integrated Case study is based on the International Brewing Industry, Danone Group and Brasseries Kronenbourg. The structure of a business group is largely dependant on the strategy it follows. (Chandler, 1990) There are business groups with large degrees of autonomy among departments, and there are businesses with strict vertical management. The structure of Danone Group is observed below. Organizational structure of Danone Group allows certain degrees of autonomy to its departments/subsidiaries. The 'Premier Rond' only determines general objectives, which must be achieved, but all the local operating decisions are left to general managers of departments/subsidiaries. These companies are restructured only if their management fails to achieve the objectives determined by the 'Premier Rond'. Restructuring activities as well as monitoring performance of 'Troisieme Rond' are performed by division managers or 'Deuxieme Rond'. In this way Danone Group achieves a certain degree of autonomy at the same time
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Report for toyota Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
For toyota - Lab Report Example The local network endeavors to facilitate the progression of a company by compliance with ten global compact principles. They also tries to create opportunities for multi stakeholder related engagement and also collaborative action (United Nations Global Compact, 2010). Toyota Motor Corporation is a leading name in the global automobile industry. The environment related principles stated in global compact principles have been maintained quite efficiently by Toyota is their global venture as well as in their local networks. Their efforts to comply with the environment related principles have contributed to their rise towards the zenith of automobile industry. The environment principles in the global compact predominantly encourages companies to support a precautionary approach towards the environmental challenges along with undertaking greater environment related responsibility, and also encouraging to develop environment friendly technologies. Toyota based on their independently developed ââ¬ËToyota Wayââ¬â¢ has made a commitment towards environment. Their environment friendly approach has been incorporated in all of their business operations and throughout their entire life cycle of any product developed by them. The strategy called sustaina ble mobility has been utilized by Toyota to for managing and developing vehicles as well as technologies. Toyota, as a leader in the environmentally prepared technologies, has always looked to make the world ââ¬Ëgreenââ¬â¢. Toyota looks to raise the industry standards by developing innovative fuel technologies and vehicles in future. Their main aim is to create vibrant and mobile society along with maintaining harmony with the global environment (Toyota, 2010). Toyota also plays major role implementing their global environmental standards in the local networks. The evidence to this can be
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Case study analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysis - Case Study Example In the e-learning project, strong team work made it to attain its objective making the Australian Customs Service to provide excellent services. Being a body that is responsible for provision of security and integrity of Australia borders, Australian Customs Service noted the need to develop a system that would ensure effective collaboration among the 4,900 employees (David, 2006).The e-learning project was undertaken after the Customs evaluation and came to a conclusion that it will achieve the expected outcomes. One of the notable strengths of the project is that it enjoys the support of the large number of employees. In this way, it would not face resistance during implementation. Additionally, Australian Customs Service applied new technology that is positively viewed as a major solution that faces security personnel. The project also underwent extensive analysis before being implemented, implying that minimal resources were lost resulting to a higher rate of return on investment. The strong working relationship between the project managers and the working group is another strength that made the e-learning project to achieve its objectives. Based on the need by the Customs to provide a project that is effective, the process of planning e-learning took a lot of time. The costs that the Customs underwent in terms time and financial resources could have been possible reduced by outsourcing the project. Due to the modern technology that the e-learning project is adopting, the Customs have an opportunity of conducting training programs easily. On their part, people working in Australian Customs Service will get a chance of enhancing their skills thus becoming more productive. The e-learning project can also be adopted by other security agents that work in collaboration with Australian Customs Service. In this way, the Customs work will not only
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